Solar Modules
Guaranteed Performance
10 Years Manufacturing Warranty
12 Years Warranty 90% Power Output
25 Years Warranty 80% Power Output
1. Easily installed on the ground, roof, building surface or tracking system. Applies to commercial, residential applications for off grid
applications. Reduces electricity cost and creates energy independently.
2. Modules certified by
TUV and global testing facilities:
IEC61730, CE,
ROHS to withstand high level of wind loads
(2400 Pa) and snow loads (5400 Pa), confirming mechanical stability.
3. Most updated design with drainage holes in the frame ensures the modules to withstand various weather conditions. No
moving parts, fully scalable and easily installed.
4. Junction box and bypass diodes guarantee the modules free of overheating and "hot spot effect", minimal wiring effort
required as the module has high reverse current resistance.
5. Manufactured with international quality standards and environment management system:
ISO9001 and
ISO14001, 18001.
Reliable and virtually maintenance-free power generation
6. The most vertically integrated solar manufacturer in the industry with production modules using both mono crystalline and
poly crystalline technology.